.ie Ireland domain registration
25.11.2017 08:44 1373 Displayed

.ie Ireland domain registration

What are the registration requirements for registering a .IE domain?

The owner must be:

- An Irish company or an Irish resident or citizen; OR

- A foreign company or individual who can prove a link to Ireland.

If you are a foreign company, you can prove a link to Ireland by:

- Providing evidence to show that you are either currently trading with or providing a service to Irish customers. The evidence could be an invoice from an Irish company, marketing material aimed at the Irish market, or a solicitor or accountant’s letter confirming your current or future trade with Ireland.

- Providing evidence to show that you will be relocating to Ireland in the near future.

- Holding a Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or EU Community registered trademark.

What is the minimum registration term allowed? The minimum registration term for “.ie” extensions is 1 year. Do you offer Trustee for this extension? No, we don’t offer Trustee service for this extension. Does this extension support third level domains? No, it does not support, you can register only domains with “.ie” extension, it is not supported domains like “.com.ie”. Is there an official whois server for .IE domains? Yes, it is whois.domainregistry.ie Who is the registry that manages this domain extension? The authority in charge of managing this extension is “DOMAINREGISTRY.IE” Does .IE support IDN characters?

Yes, it supports the following characters:

á é í ó ú

What are the minimum and maximum length of characters? The minimum is 3 and the maximum is 63 What characters .IE extension supports? It is possible to register the letters a to z, the numbers 0 to 9, the fada character (acute accent) and the hyphen “-“.However, it is not possible to register domains that begin or end with a hyphen “-“.Spaces and other symbols are not permitted for use.   https://www.atakdomain.com/en/domain-registration/ireland/ie